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About Hubbard Tailoring
Our aim is to provide a full tailoring and garment service in Eastbourne.
We have spent many years making for top designers as well as some film and stage work but our greatest love is making the garments for you. You are the one with the real style. The style that makes you what you are, so we know that given the opportunity and the vast choice of fabrics and designs you will be able to get exactly what you are looking for.
Hubbard Tailoring
It was in Savile Row 1961, just around the time of the fashion explosion of the 1960's that I started as an apprentice tailor. How I loved the smell and the feel of those exquisite fabrics.
That was a long time ago...thousands of garments have passed through my hands since then as my long career has taken various turns.
My son Oliver has followed in the tradition and I'm proud to say he has surpassed me in all skills. He is the leading light in Hubbard Tailoring and we are working together to provide the best tailoring service to be found in the south of England.
Our garment making takes place on the premises and we are proud of our small team of expert sewers.

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